Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is a natural plant-based oil that contains phyto (plant) chemicals called cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are “feel good” molecules naturally made by the body when we are feeling relaxed and secure or involved in something that makes us happy, like hugging someone we care about or sitting down to a meal we are looking forward to. Cannabinoids are also released when we sleep well and exercise. Cannabinoids bind to little docking stations in our bodies called cannabinoid receptors that help stimulate those feel-good responses. Discovered in 1992, the main cannabinoid molecule is called anandamide, which is translated from the Sanskrit as "bliss molecule."
CBD oil is a safe and effective treatment for anxiety and depression. If you're looking for an alternative to prescription medications, it's worth trying CBD oil. Start with a small dose and increase it gradually until you find the dose that works for you.
CBD treatment is becoming more mainstream as the public becomes more aware of the potential benefits of CBD. If you're looking for a natural treatment for anxiety or depression, CBD oil is worth considering. Talk to your doctor about whether CBD oil could be right for you.
Anxiety: Studies and clinical trials are exploring the common report that CBD can reduce anxiety.
Insomnia: Studies suggest that CBD may help with both falling asleep and staying asleep, in part by helping address chronic pain and anxiety.
5 Additional Health Benefits of CBD
No, it will not. I tell my patients if they are looking to feel high, then they will be disappointed. Supplemental CBD oil comes from the hemp plant. Hemp is a cannabis plant and a close cousin of marijuana. However, CBD from hemp has practically no tetra-hydro-cannabinoids (THC). THC is the substance in marijuana that has psychoactive effects and can give you a high. Several studies on CBD showed that CBD itself can counter the negative effects of THC—including appetite issues, weight gain, and paranoia.
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